Friday, May 25, 2012

Aisti '12

Tiistaina kävimme katsastamassa Muotsikan opiskelijoiden päätösnäytöksen Helsingin Tulli- ja Pakkahuoneella. Tilaisuus tarjosi namia kaikille aisteille, varsinkin erikoiset ääniefektit hivelivät aisteja ja aiheuttivat ryntäyksen toileteille näytöksen jälkeen (monen harmiksi tilojen vessoista vain yksi oli toiminnassa, joten miehet ja naiset kävivät yhteispissillä).

 Eveliina Mustonen - Nebel 

Nuoret suunnittelijat esittelivät näytöksessä 60 asukokonaisuuden voimin taitojaan. Asukokonaisuudet olivat loihtineet pääasiallisesti keväällä valmistuvat suunnittelijat, mutta näytöksessä nähtiin myös muiden vuosikurssien opiskelijoiden luomuksia. Näytöksen malleina toimivat Paparazzin, Brandin ja Fashion Unitin mallit.

Stailit stailaukset (Mallit - Fashion Unit)

Mikäli et ollut paikalla tiistaina, suosittelen lämpimästi matkaamaan Lahteen lauantaina. Lahden Jazztorilla, Kauppatorilla, nähdään uusinta näytöksestä kello 13 ja 15. 

Jenny Nilson - Waste Away

Chek out the hot names of the future! The entry is free!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Time 2 Graffiti!

When the temperature rises and the nights become lighter, starts street art to increase. Underpasses give cover to graffitis and street artists making these not-so-respected art works. Here some fabulous illegal street art from a suburban area of Jyväskylä. The pictures are taken summer 2010 so they're already covered with new art.

 Fly away

Lady Frankenstein 

 A lovely troll

Rok rok 

Skull with wings

More about street art comin' soon!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Shoes With Attitude Part Deux

Last time I presented some of my girliest shoes with attitude. Next I will introduce some boots that rock hard!

 Osiris. Good quality and a nice price. Hard to find these print shoes. Too lazy to do the laces? It's okay to be without them and you are allowed to change them. New laces cost about two euros. I recommend to use with jeans. 

 Awesome prints by Abel, who is a Los Angeles habitant graff artist from 80's.

 Army boots with screwed bottoms. Hard letter, painful to walk with before the leather gets soft. From Halonen for fifty euros, not bad. Nice spider web print. Should be used with army printed skirts, dresses and pants. Normal jeans looks also good with these ones.

Skate shoes can be used by everyone, except those with bleached (too) low waist jeans, jumpers and hair that's bleached on the over part of the hair and colored black under.

 Shoes tell a lot about their owner. Lady Gaga sings "a girl's just as hot as the shoes she choose". These adorable HIM logoed shoes are bought from Agatha with few euros.

 These boots are fabulous! Real leather, very good bottoms, cool details, easy to walk with, comfortable, fits with everything and fits on the foot perfectly. Bought from the vintage store Kaunis Veera in Helsinki. They're originally from Deutschland and cost 200 euros.

Good quality and small details make the shoes interesting.

About the material. Even if I don't prefer real leather and fur I think it's okay to use these materials if they're already once bought. Don't let the animals die for nothing, make their life count by giving respect (you understand the idea?). Even if wearing leather shoes is murder for some, it is an environmental friendly thing to do. Leather lasts decades and when you throw it away does it harm the nature very little. Synthetic materials don't last as long and the quality is poor. They also harm the nature when you try to get rid of them. Think wisely, treat well and enjoy your shoes!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Shoes With Attitude Part Un

Everyone loves shoes. That's just a fact. My advice is that you have to wear the shoe, never let the shoe wear you. When you let the shoe be the master you will get aching feet and a bad mood. Be friends with your shoe, take care of it, trust it, learn to use it right. (No more human looking ducks on the streets, thank you.) Now I'm proud to present some of my fabulous shoes, enjoy!

 Ballerinas fit for every occasion, with a tight pair of jeans or a skirt or a dress. Shoes are bought from Iron Fist and cost too much.

 Cool details and colors. Zippers are one of my favorite detailing elements.

 Black pumps. Can be used with everything. These ones are bought from a vintage shop called Kaunis Veera. They cost eight euros. They should be too small to fit my foot, but somehow they're perfect for me. I felt like Cinderella when I heard that two people before me had tried the shoes and couldn't fit it on their feet. These shoes were waiting for me.

Hot boots. Can be used with everything. I have used them only once, on my Penkkarit year 2009. After 16 hours of these on the feet you want to use them only as interior decoration.

 Ruff riders, Iron Fist. Red shoes are must. The heels are over 14 cm high. It's hard to walk with them, it's hard to enjoy walking with them (on the feet) and they're very slippery, but some day I will take them outside the home. And yes, these cost also too much.

 Ruff details: zippers, sequins, skulls...

 My newest pair. A ten euro found from a second hand shop called Agatha. Black shoes with golden laces. The laces are terrible but the shoes are classical and stylish, the print is Gucci style. These can be used with everything.

My love. So comfortable, so good-looking and they fit with everything. The print is usually used on scarfs that little girls wear and which I like, but don't have the guts to wear (the scarf, not the little girls), so I use the print on the shoes. These are bought for my high school graduation year nakki and makkara from a little, lazy shoe shop in Pori for 29 euros.

More shoes with attitude are presented to you soon!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


The summer is almost here and the sun is shining so brightly. In spring the sunbeams are most dangerous and it's easy to get a sunstroke. So cover you head with style. Here are some jewels from my hat collection and some tips how to use hats.

 Pieces from my hat collection

History: This hat was bought in a second hand shop for one euro or two.
Occasion: This is a everydayhat, you can change the color of the ribbon to fit your outfit.
Use: Wear it on the other side of the head, in front or back, not on the middle of the head and do not push it down, let it look relaxed.
Hair: Frizzy, perfect for bad hair days. 

 History: Mum's old hat. She used to wear it when she was 18.
Occasion: Indian summer
Use: On the middle of the head a bit front or a bit back. It also looks very good when you swing it in the air and shout: "Jiii-haaa!"
Hair: Tails, straight, curly, bald.

  History: The newest piece, bought from a second hand shop for five euros.
Occasion: Partys, trendy travelling.
Use: On one side of the head extravagant front or back. Change the color of the ribbon to fit your outfit. You may also decorate it with flowers.
Hair: Big curls, buns, impressive coiffures.

  History: A real top hat, mum found it (with the original hat box) from a second hand shop called Agatha for eight euros.
Occasion: Partys and everyday life.
Use: Put it straight on your head or a little sideways and deep down to get a formal look. You get a more chill out style when you let the hat go in front or on the back of the head and don't push it down.
Hair: Everything looks good.

 History: From Agatha as well, bought for ten euros.
Occasion: Parties, hip travelling.
Use: Strongly on one side of the head (there's a ribbon to keep it on the right place).
Hair: This is not a bad hair day hat, you have to get your hair done for this one.

I want to thank my model, Juhani the teddy. As you may see, he wasn't that enthusiastic about using the girly hats.

Enjoy the sun and don't forget your hat!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

På Vernissage

Sista Fredags fick vi njuta av underbara konstverk som var utställda på Tobaksmagasinet i Jeppis. Min barndomsvän gjorde sit slutarbete, vernissage som det heter (jag lärde mig ett nytt ord), där. Jag var väldigt entusiastisk att se hennes installationskonstverk som vi tillsammans hade idearerat. Hennes konstverk var den mest talade och intressantaste konstverket på utställningen.

Idén till konstverket fick vi en natt då vi var och klubba. Vi satt på backsätet av en bil och brainstormade. Potatismaskin, ladå, kooa och kontorstolar var några av våra great ideas (feel free to use). Slutligen bestämde vi att konstverket måste vara något simpelt som har en great story behind it. Vi kom upp med idén av att bygga ein steinreiso på vernissagen.

Sten för sten

Före vernissagen hade min vän skjutsat gårr mytsi steina från sin familjs hemgård och ställt dem runtomkring hela Tobaksmagasinets utställningsal. På vernissagen byggde hon ein steinreiso och filmade hela prosesset. Och hon var tyst hela tiden (mission impossible). Jag skulle kunna berätta hur mycket som helst av storyn bakom konstverket, men det gör jag inte. Försök själv att grubbla fram den.
Ei se ole este, vaan hidaste

På vernissagen var också något annat superintressant, nämligen personerna som visiterade utställningen. Kvinnorna såg bra ut, men männen var som dragna från modetidningar. Finlandssvenska, unga män kan faktiskt klä sig (och gå med näsan i luftet). Alla såg ut som 20-åriga Jorma Uotinen. Nån gång kommer jag nog att blogga mer om hur de här finlandssvenska lanttisar klär sig.

Några tips om how to look like Jorma Uotinen goes Jeppis ger jag redan här:
Tips 1 Klä dig i svarta, tajta kläder.
Tips 2 Luft huvudet upp.
Tips 3 Ha en uselt dålig ryhti.
Tips 4 Tung en basker på huvudet.
